fir nw end of year event: diversity in advertising


the idea

with the prevalence of the ‘Me Too’ movement and the current political tone, our team selected diversity on the advertising industry as the topic of our 2018 annual end of year event centered. Creative teams were tasked with creating something to have at the event that would coincide with the theme.

the event featured a panel discussion by thought leaders from Wieden+Kennedy, Amusement Park, and Red & Co., with over 100 people in attendance.

ultimately, the FIR NW team created invitations, emails, and an installation that involved using decoder glasses to illustrate the power diversity has in illuminating different perspectives and more creative outcomes.

without diversity, you lose perspective.
— doug lowell, FIR NW creative director

the idea of an interactive installation was born, along with the idea of accompanying decoder glasses to be used as the “tool.” The installation showed what may be typical at first glance, but with the decoder glasses on, it was revealed how much more there is to see when you see things through a new or different perspective.

the team

designers: Nic Allstott and Marissa Ginsberg | event planning: entire FIR NW team

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